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January 21, 2023
PLANS FOR EXAM REVIEW (or meetings for any other reason)
Now that we are a few weeks into the new semester, I wanted to start creating a regular schedule for students to "book" time to provide for one-on-one review of exam performace (or to talk about summer jobs or any other topic). The times I am regularly available, at least for the next couple weeks, are:
Wednesdays between 12noon at 2pm
Fridays between 1pm at 2:30pm
If any 30-minute block in these times can work for you in the coming weeks, please feel free to send me an email to "book" that time for a one-on-one meeting at my office (Drinko Room 313). If you want to talk about your exam, please be sure to send me your exam number. I will try to swiftly confirm your appointment date/time by return email.
If these times do not work for you, suggest a few alternative times in February.
January 21, 2023 in Class reflections | Permalink
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