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March 9, 2010
Specific interest in particular offense conduct and offender characteristics as sentencing factors
Though I am prepared and eager to discuss whichever offense conduct and offender characteristics that students find most interesting as sentencing factors, there are a few factors that I want to give special attention in our class on March 10. Specifically, in class I will be especially eager to hear your thoughts on these potential sentencing factors:
Offense conduct:
A. Role in the offense
B. Number of images in child porn downloading offense
C. Amount of money "at risk" in credit card identity theft
Offender characteristics:
D. Age
E. Drug dependence
F. Military service
Especially if you have strong and/or unique perspectives on any or all of these sentencing factors, feel free to start sharing your views in the comments to this post and be certain to raise you hand and your voice in our coming classes.
March 9, 2010 in Class activities, Offense Conduct | Permalink
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