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February 4, 2015

Link to Ohio Supreme Court oral argument in Ohio v. Moore

This morning (Feb 4, 2015), the Ohio Supreme Court heard argument in Ohio v. Moore to examine whether the SCOTUS 2010 Graham ruling declaring unconstitutional LWOP for juvenile non-homicide offenses should apply to a lengthy term-of-year sentence. The Justices asked many questions of both sides, and I believe only one of the seven Justices failed to ask at least one question.

The argument lasted for approximately an hour, and here is a link to the oral argument.  I highly recommend all students interested in Eighth Amendment issues take the time to watch these proceedings.

I suspect and fear we will not get a ruling from the Court before the end of the semester (but maybe that will be a kind of good news allowing me to ask a take-home exam question about the case).

February 4, 2015 in Ohio news and commentary, Scope of imprisonment, Who decides | Permalink


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