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August 18, 2016
First week assignments, electronic copies of course documents, and links for completing questionnaire
I have posted on the Moritz official website our first assignments, but I figured it would be useful to repost the details here, while also providing electronic copies of the basic course documents. So....
In preparation for our first week of classes starting Monday, August 22, 2016 you should:
1. Get a copy of the THIRD edition of the casebook for the course.
2. Download the questionnaire and fill it out before our first class. (In addition to being posted here, the questionnaire and course description will be available in hard-copy in front of my office, Room 313.)
3. Find/research on your own a real sentencing issue, case or story that is of significant interest to you, and come to our first week of classes prepared to explain this issue, case or story and why it is of significant interest to you.
Download 2016 Course description
Download 2016 Fall pre Class Questionnaire
You will discover that a few of the questions in the questionnaire call for a bit of on-line research, and here are some links to help in this arena:
- The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) (which is a component of the Office of Justice Programs in the U.S. Department of Justice).
- United States Sentencing Commission
- Death Penalty Information Center
- The Sentencing Project
- Quick Facts from Families Against Mandatory Minimums
- Wikipedia entry on California v. Brock Turner
- Collection of court documents from California v. Brock Turner
August 18, 2016 in Class activities | Permalink
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