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September 11, 2019
The full McGautha and Furman...
are worth reading in full if you find constitutional history and/or death penalty procedure really interesting (and these are great topics for final papers).
The full McGautha can be found here; reading just the majority opinion authored by Justice Harlan (which is only 1/4 of the whole thing) is encouraged, but not required, for having extra fun throughout next week's discussion.
The full Furman can be found here; reading the whole thing could take you the rest of the semester, and our handout seeks to provide strategic highlights from each of the nine(!) opinions. As mentioned, I will ask you in class which of the nine opinions you would be most likely to join, so you might want to consider skimming the full version of the one opinion you find most appealing from our casebook.
September 11, 2019 in Class activities, Death penalty history, Who decides | Permalink
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