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October 6, 2019
Use your free time to start reading about federal sentencing system.... UPDATE on Oct 14
Just a quick post to remind you we do not have class this Monday, but we will make up for lost time on Wednesday by jumping into our review of the federal sentencing system. So get started on the readings from the syllabus, and get excited about coming discussions about the operation of the federal sentencing guidelines!
If the FSG don't quite keep your interest while I am away, note that SCOTUS gets back in action on Monday with two notable criminal cases. I collect some previews of the action in this post at my main blog.
UPDATE: Remember that we are going to be starting our discussion of the Rob Anon sentencing exercise this week. We will start with a focus on what it was like to sentence in the federal system before modern guideline reforms and what it is like to sentence under the modern guideline system. It is CRITICAL that you have started working on the Rob Anon exercise and done the associated reading (e.g., Frankel and then Booker).
October 6, 2019 in Class activities | Permalink
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