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August 25, 2020

Class recordings and office hours

I have now posted the Zoom recording of our first class to CarmenCanvas under the "Modules" heading.  I hope to make a consistent practice of posting the recording the evening of our afternoon classes.

As I mentioned in an email, I plan to have "virtual" office hours from 2 to 4pm on Wednesdays.  I do not plan to sit in the Zoom room this whole period, so anyone interested in meeting during that window of time should let me know of interest in chatting during that period. I will be happy to arrange appointments at other times, but I will try to keep the Wednesday afternoon window free on my calendar so you can know that you can always book a chat in that time frame (and using our class Zoom link).

August 25, 2020 in Class activities, Web/Tech | Permalink


If there is any way at all possible to utilize a camera that actually captures you teaching that would be great. Because you don't use slides compared to other teachers I would rather just be able to see you to be engaged, rather than just stare at a blackboard/the outline on the screen.

Perhaps use the podium for the projectors but use a laptop for the camera? Just a suggestion.

Posted by: Christopher wald | Aug 25, 2020 10:11:17 PM

I am hoping I can relocate the camera to capture more of the action in future classes.

Posted by: Douglas A Berman | Aug 25, 2020 11:17:59 PM

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