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May 22, 2008

Exam reflections and grading update

I have now read all the exam answers (twice), and I have been really impressed with everyone's work.  It is clear to me that you all learned a lot in this class (though some more than others), and I have learned a lot from your answers (though some more than others).

I am now finishing up assigning/reviewing raw scores for all the answers.  I fear, however, that I will not be able to get all the raw scores calculated and then run them through the official computer grading/curving system in order to establish (and get official approval for) the final grades before the long weekend.  In short, I expect that final grades for the class will be ready for release early next week.

I have two recommendations for those extra eager (or extra worried) about their final grade: (1) take a deep breath and try to enjoy the good weather predicted for the long holiday weekend, (2) re-read your answers to the exam and reflect on what you did well and what could be improved.  As I tried to stress all semester, you should recognize that your personal development as a lawyer and as a person is much more important than your grade in any one class.

Post-Weekend Update:  All the blind raw scores were submitted today (Tuesday) and now I just await the computer spitting out the curved final scores for my final approval.

May 22, 2008 in Debating the final | Permalink


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Thanks for keeping us posted, Professor.

Posted by: Anonymous | May 22, 2008 2:00:43 PM

No problem, and thanks for the thanks. Also, I encourage folks to use the comments here to express any new perspectives they might have about exam and/or grades and/or 1L life now that everyone has had a few weeks away from the pressure cooker.

Posted by: Doug B. | May 22, 2008 4:17:15 PM

early this week ...?

Posted by: Anonymous | May 29, 2008 3:29:44 PM

Let me express my frustration with grades and how they are released. Having to wait weeks - even a month or more, as is the case with Con Law - for grades to be released is excruciating. First off, the wait is difficult in itself. More importantly though, it is difficult to be job hunting when you don't know your grades or class rank. I realize it takes some time to read and grade exams, but it seems some professors (not necessarily you) take an exorbitant amount of time to do so. Grades should all be released at once rather than this dribbling out, having to check every day waiting on Laura Dean to upload them.

Posted by: anonymous | May 29, 2008 5:45:39 PM

i've already subscribed to your fee

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Posted by: house plans | May 9, 2012 10:52:19 AM

It feels good to see that your students have learned much from their teachers and that learning is applied in their everyday lives.

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