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December 19, 2006

The synergies between blogs and law journals

At First Movers here, Anthony Ciolli provides this link to his Yale Law Journal Pocket Part essay entitled, "Much Ado About Nothing: Why Student Scholarship Has Nothing to Fear from Blogs." The piece is a response to Professor Steve Vladeck's earlier Pocket Part essay on student scholarship.  Here is its engaging start:

Shortly after the popularization of the World Wide Web in 1996, Professor Bernard Hibbitts proclaimed that "[t]he next decade could witness the end of the law review as we know it," for cyberspace would allow law professors to "finally escape the straitjacket of the law reviews by publishing their own scholarship directly on the World Wide Web." Earlier this fall, Professor Stephen Vladeck made an equally bold — and equally erroneous — prediction in stating that "[t]he days of the case note . . . may well be numbered."  Ten years later, we now know that Professor Hibbitts's prediction did not come true.  In this Response, I will explain why Professor Vladeck's prediction will also not come to pass.

December 19, 2006 in Technology -- for advancing scholarship | Permalink


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