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January 24, 2007

On-line law review companions: too much of a good thing?

As I have noted over at my home blog, it seems that nearly every high-profile law journal now has a high-profile on-line companion.  As Orin Kerr spots here, the Virginia Law Review has now joined the club with its new (and slick-looking) In BriefOrin is also asking all the right questions about this innovation:

I'd be very interested to hear from [students who are on journals that recently added online companions] as to whether the online versions have proved worthwhile.  How much traffic are these sites drawing?  What formats are working or not working?

Comments to Orin's post are already intriguing and I hope to see more there and perhaps here.  I would also be interested to hear, of course, from law professors about whether they enjoy writing for this new kind of forum and whether they believe that such writing is generally "counted" in any assessment of their scholarly productivity.

January 24, 2007 in Scholarship -- online | Permalink


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Some thoughts on these questions here:


Posted by: Anthony | Jan 24, 2007 11:20:56 AM

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