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January 29, 2007

Specialty Journals at HLS, Past, Present and Future

The rise of legal specialization and interdisciplinary legal studies spawned hundreds of specialized journals. This new type of publication was spurred by increasing competition within law school student bodies and among law school faculties. With the popularity of using web communications to publish and distribute legal scholarship, one could argue that we are in the midst of a similar change for the same reasons. It would be very interesting to see detailed law school specific studies of the use of web technology similar to the following study of HLS specialty journals that used print technology.

In The Rise and Rise of the Specialty Journals at Harvard Law School, Jennifer L. Carter sets out for the first time a history of specialty journals at Harvard Law School and places the journals in the context of HLS events. Written to fulfill the J.D. written work requirement at HLS, Carter's article also assesses the present state of affairs, using HLS as a case study, and considers the future of law journals. 

Cross posted on Law Librarian Blog today. [JH]

January 29, 2007 in Technology -- for advancing scholarship | Permalink


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