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February 8, 2007
Creating an AALS Section on Educational and Instructional Technology
I've posted an article on www.teknoids.net (a website for law school tech folks and their friends) calling for the creation of an AALS Section on Educational and Instructional Technology. I thought I'd mention it here since many of our readers nay have an interest in the formation of this section. From the post:
The idea is to have a Section that does an annual program that provides the AALS Annual Meeting attendees with information about, and demonstrations of, the latest in educational and instructional technologies. The Section would provide a forum for interested faculty to interact with IT professionals in a situation that outside of the normal structures of the IT/faculty relationship.
I would invite anyone interested in creating this section to join the community at teknoids and help us plan.
Elmer Masters
February 8, 2007 in Technology -- for advancing scholarship, Technology -- in general, Technology -- in the classroom | Permalink
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