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May 8, 2007
2 reasons to go to conference: Intl Law Superstars and Vancouver!
Link: 2007 International Law Mid-Year Meeting AALS Association of American Law Schools.
This summer, the beautiful city of Vancouver will host the AALS mid-year meeting and this year that meeting will be devoted to International Law. The lineup of speakers is very impressive indeed. I encourage all international law scholars (and future scholars) to attend. Here's what the organizers have to say:
Why Attend?
The world is moving so quickly - globalization of trade, terrorist attacks, global warming, preemptive invasions, international courts springing up around the globe - and the law necessarily changes to keep up with it. No one can keep abreast of the ever-evolving face of international law, much less pause and reflect on how these developments affect the way we teach and write about it.This is the first AALS Mid-Year Conference on Teaching International Law in 11 years. It will bring together teachers and scholars for three days of intensive discussion on how we teach and write about international law and where the field is heading. There will be plenary sessions, small group discussions, and paper presentations. The panelists, drawn from the most highly respected scholars in their various fields, will be around for the entire conference, enabling conversations to continue long after the formal discussions have ended.
May 8, 2007 in Scholarship -- traditional | Permalink
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