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August 23, 2007

Innovative on-line research project: ACS Research Link

I am pleased to see from the ACS Blog this intriguing announcement:

ACS is pleased to announce the launch of ACS ResearchLink: Connecting Law Students and Lawyers Committed to Justice.

ACS ResearchLink creates a valuable online resource for the legal community by collecting legal research topics submitted by practitioners for law students to explore in faculty-supervised writing projects for academic credit. Practitioners will receive a copy of the resulting student papers, which ACS will post in a searchable online library. Follow these links to search or browse currently available research topics.

This looks like a great idea, and I hope any readers who participate will report on their experiences in the comments.  Helpfully, other lawprof blogs like Volokh are also giving this project some attention.

August 23, 2007 in Technology -- for advancing scholarship | Permalink


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