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December 21, 2007

Anyone have reactions/input on TeachingLaw.com?

For a variety of reasons, I have decided this coming Spring to try out TeachingLaw.com for my Legal Writing & Analysis course.  Based on my initial investigation, I am cautiously optimistic about using this innovative platform for a course that lends itself to innovation (and that is more about doing than about content in a traditional text).

I would be grateful to hear from anyone with notable experiences (good or bad) with the TeachingLaw format (or any other on-line, e-book format) for any kind of course development and/or classroom use.

Posted by DAB

December 21, 2007 in Technology -- in the classroom | Permalink


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I have discovered that the interface is not quite as user-friendly as it may seem, has anyone else had similar experiences.

Posted by: Doug B. | Jan 18, 2008 10:25:22 AM

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