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January 4, 2008

AALS Innovations: Open forum

What are the top innovations we've encountered at the American Association of Law Schools annual meeting this year in New York City? I've been here in the Exhibition Hall the whole time, but rumor has it that the 2:15 Friday session, "Rethinking Legal Education For The 21st Century", has over 1,000 registrants. Anything that asks us to "rethink" points to innovation, right?

Looking forward to everyone's "top 10" list of innovations you've encountered here.


January 4, 2008 in Conferences | Permalink


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I've only made it to one of the sessions noted here ( http://lsi.typepad.com/lsi/2007/12/gearing-up-for.html), but there was a useful use of clickers in the program. I suppose that's a bit innovative. In addition, I ordered a few innovative drinks at some of the receptions.

Posted by: Doug B. | Jan 5, 2008 6:52:26 AM

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