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February 9, 2008

A bloggy interview at LexBlog

In this post at LexBlog, Rob La Gatta has put up an interview we did last week discussing, inter alia, how I see blogging impacting traditional legal scholarship:  Here are parts of our Q and A:

Rob La Gatta: Do you believe blogs have played a positive role in how law professors teach/articulate their ideas and get their message across?

Doug Berman: Yes, absolutely...although I would say that blogging is a unique kind of media for expressing law professor ideas.  I’ve been very fortunate to work in a field and to have kind of an A.D.D. attitude towards it that makes blogs a particularly useful way for me to get out a lot of smaller ideas.  But I think for those who are interested in longer-form idea development or other more traditional aspects of the scholarly conversation, blogs can be more challenging than beneficial.  That’s where my big support for faculty blogging is based: a vision of the diversity of mediums that are valuable to get ideas out....

Rob La Gatta: How have you seen traditional law reviews adjusting to handle the growth of the blogosphere?

Doug Berman: These online supplements are a very direct acknowledgment of one thing that the blogs have contributed to the law professor universe: sometimes, law professors have things they want to say and can valuably say in 500 words rather than 500,000 words.

February 9, 2008 in Blogging by lawyers and law professors | Permalink


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Thanks for doing the interview with us Doug. It's great to be able to get the perspective of law professors like you whose blogs have been so well received.

And as a Badger, I won't hold it against you being at Ohio State. ;)

Posted by: Kevin OKeefe | Feb 9, 2008 12:33:48 PM

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