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February 14, 2008
International Conference on the Future of Legal Education
Next week (Feb 20-23) is the International Conference on the Future of Legal Education, being held at Georgia State College of Law. The conference program ostensibly focuses this year on "ways to implement one or more of the central recommendations of the Carnegie Report." Together with Christian Turner of the University of Georgia, I'll be presenting on eLangdell and the future of legal education casebooks. Matthew Brodie, whose article (The Future of the Casebook) we'll also be presenting, will happily be absent as his family has just expanded (congrat's Matt!). Our panel is on Thursday afternoon, 2:00-3:15 pm; I'll do my best to capture salient parts of it if the conference planners don't do so.
(I have to confess that the conference's bias towards presenting papers runs quite against the strategy of change that Martha Minow recommended at AALS: process, not reports. Hopefully, though, the workshops will organize around specific recommendations and hammer out next steps rather than just wander around in abstractland).
- Gene Koo
February 14, 2008 in Conferences | Permalink
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