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December 1, 2008

An exciting honor from the ABA for LSI

 Blawg100_2008I was both extraordinarily excited and quite surprised to discover that LSI has won a place on the ABA's latest and greatest list of the best legal blogs.  This post on the ABA's blog, titled "50 New Sites Make 2nd Annual ABA Journal Blawg 100," provides the basic back story:

On our second annual list of the best legal blogs, just half of last year’s honorees make a return appearance.

What explains the high turnover? For one thing, every day new legal blogs are started, and some existing blogs—including some that appeared on last year’s list—cease to be updated regularly. Plus, some of the upstart blogs are just plain better than some that made the cut last year.

This year, blogs that aren’t updated at least weekly—no matter how interesting—often didn’t make the grade. We put a premium on blogs that broke news in 2008, or were among the first to provide trenchant analysis of one or more breaking legal news stories.

Speaking for the whole LSI team, I feel comfortable saying we are all grateful and honored that the folks at ABA put this blog on its Top 100 list.  We are in some impressive company as one of 15 blogs nominated in the Professors category of the ABA Journal Blawg 100.

Posted by DAB

December 1, 2008 in Blogging by lawyers and law professors | Permalink


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Woo hoo! And additional congratulations to Doug for winning an additional nomination in the "crime" category for his Sentencing Law and Policy blog.

Posted by: Mark Osler | Dec 1, 2008 10:41:18 PM

Congratulations, Doug, Mark, Gene and the Gang!

Posted by: Anupam Chander | Dec 8, 2008 11:59:19 PM

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