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July 19, 2009
The bad summer
Reports are dribbling back to me from some students regarding their summer jobs, and it is a little grimmer than usual (as we all would probably expect). At the largest firms, there is a great deal of uncertainty about future hiring, and many firms expect to put out fewer offers this year to the current crop of summer associates. Moreover, the job of being a summer associate seems much less pleasant than it was even last year, as partners and associates are anxious and sometimes unable to make clear what is expected from the law students. The experience varies greatly by firm, of course.
One possible outcome, and one that I hope for, is that more of our top students will consider government work and jobs in criminal law. Quality improvement in those areas is good for everyone, and may be a positive outcome of this down economy.
-- Mark Osler
July 19, 2009 | Permalink
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