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September 16, 2009

Watching Kanye West Rather than Your Professor

Farhad Manjoo has a reminder of the remarkable amount of time we might spend away from our work pursuing digital distractions available online.

It seems useful to remind students to avoid such distractions during the course of this coming school year.  It is hard to imagine the email or Facebook status update that requires immediate review or response during class.

Distractions from work, of course, are not the purview of students alone--emails and news often distract me during my own writing.

Anupam Chander

September 16, 2009 in Technology -- in the classroom | Permalink


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Aren't most law students adults?

Don't they each pay a high tuition, often with painfully borrowed money?

Aren't the law professors the servants of the students, rather than the other way around because the students pay their salary?

Doesn't the law education have the structure and content of an indoctrination by a criminal cult enterprise, replete with a) supernatural nonsense doctrines unlawfully, wrongfully from the Catholic Catechism; b) intimidation; c) authoritarian imposition of garbage Medieval doctrines; d) draconian discipline codes, including the requirement of self-criticism?

This structure of indoctrination, persuasion by intimidation and the cult content of the education, don't they make most law professors morally reprehensible?

So, where does the gall come from to microboss the law student down to the content of their computer screens?

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Sep 16, 2009 10:22:57 PM

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