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November 29, 2011

Financial Times' Special Supplement on Innovative Law Schools 2011

The Financial Times has just published a new set of stories on law school education around the world. (I should note that the report on LLM programs misses the fabulous intimate and friendly program we have at UC Davis.)

The Financial Times, a London-based paper, seems to understand developments in law school pedagogy better than the New York Times' recent efforts to do the same--see here and here.

Anupam Chander

November 29, 2011 in Law School Management, Teaching -- pedagogy | Permalink


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I like the cut of your job :) or at least your thought process but sorry to say, I honestly think you would have fully sold me on the idea had you been able to back up your premis with a substantial bit more solid facts.

Posted by: Lipozene | Oct 13, 2012 3:48:09 AM

I have also heard about these new stories which the Financial Times has already published. There are so many good things about the law school education. I have also heard so many different stories about the law schools.

Posted by: payday uk | Nov 20, 2012 7:17:01 AM

Nice level of information here. There is certainly so much data around about this topic that sometimes you cannot see the wood for the trees but you could have pitched this at just the proper level so that the lay individual can understand - thank you!

Posted by: Custom Assignment Writing | Mar 20, 2013 3:48:37 AM

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